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Carter AccuRight Log Mill Band Saw Resaw Jig


The Carter Log Mill is a sled system used to cut raw wood logs square so they can be processed on a standard bandsaw into usable lumber or project wood. Great for turners looking to cut a flat into a round log for natural edge bowls, circle blanks, of just about anything where a flat face is needed.

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The Carter Log Mill is a sled system used to cut raw wood logs square so they can be processed on a standard bandsaw into usable lumber or project wood. Great for turners looking to cut a flat into a round log for natural edge bowls, circle blanks, of just about anything where a flat face is needed.


The user attaches a log or any irregular shaped piece of wood to the mill with a clamp and saws off one side flat and square. Then it can be cut again with the mill flat side down to create a perfect 90 degree wedge on one side of the wood. This then allows the user to place the raw wood securely against their bandsaw fence to re-saw thin or thick pieces for projects. The Logmill has up to a 12″ diameter log capacity and will cut logs up to 24″ long. This handy little helper lets you take ordinary firewood to make beautiful projects at a fraction of the cost.

Additional information

Weight 7.6 kg
Dimensions 69 × 27 × 9 cm


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