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Felt Polishing Wheel 6″


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The finest edge you can get on any tool is with a strop or a buffing wheel. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get that edge without rounding the bevel somewhat when using a wheel. In certain cases (such as with carving tools), a rounded bevel may be desirable, but with chisels and plane blades it is best to maintain a predetermined bevel angle. A hard felt wheel is best for that. When the wheel is dressed with honing compound, the edge obtained is comparable to most razor blades.

A medium felt wheel is still very firm, but is more suitable for carving tools where controlled bevel rounding is desirable to give edge strength.

– 1″ x 6″
– 1/2″ arbor
– Maximum 3,600 rpm

Additional information

Weight 0.21 kg
Dimensions 32 × 20 × 10 cm


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